Workshop Submission Instruction

(This page provides instruction for CANDAR workshops (excluding NCSS workshop)).

Paper Submission Guidelines

We are seeking papers that present original and unpublished research results and experiences. Submissions will be evaluated based on their originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the symposium proceedings. To submit a paper, prospective authors are encouraged to first submit the plain text of their abstract by the workshop abstract submission deadline. Following that, authors should submit a PDF of the paper for review by the workshop paper submission deadline, using EasyChair. Authors can modify their submitted PDF until the workshop paper submission deadline. Reviewers will be assigned based on the submitted titles and abstracts. If you don't have an EasyChair account, you must create one first.

To submit a paper, authors must log in to EasyChair as an author and select the 'New Submission' option from the menu. From there, they should choose the appropriate track for their submission and click the 'Continue' button.

Paper Format For Review

Please see Paper Format For Review very carefully. If a submitted paper does not satisfy required paper format, it may be rejected without review.

Corresponding Authors

Notifications regarding paper acceptance or rejection, as well as reviewers' comments, will be sent only to the corresponding authors via email. Therefore, while submitting a paper through EasyChair, it is recommended to select the authors who wish to receive the notification and the reviewers' comments as corresponding authors.

No Show Policy

It is required that at least one author registers for each paper and presents the work at the symposium. Papers that are not presented by the author(s) (also known as “no-show papers”) will be removed from the IEEE digital library, even if the speaker registration fee has been paid.