Keynote Talks


  • Chair: Michihiro Koibuchi (NII)
  • Speaker: Kensuke Fukuda (NII)
  • Title: Challenges in Identifying IPv6 Network Scans: Insights and Approaches
  • Abstract: Network scanning is a common technique for discovering hosts and devices connected to the Internet. When a new vulnerability is found, both benign and malicious actors begin Internet-wide scans to determine how many hosts are affected. While IPv4 network scans are pretty straightforward and have been extensively studied with honeypot and darknet, detecting network-wide scans in IPv6 remains challenging due to its enormous address space (2^128). In this talk, we will introduce our recent efforts to detect and characterize Internet-wide scans in both IPv4 and IPv6 networks.


  • Chair: Jacir L. Bordim (University of Brasilia)
  • Speaker: Yosuke Mukasa and Junko Hosoda (Quanmatic)
  • Title: Synergies and Future Prospects for Quantum and Classical Computing
  • Abstract: In recent years, quantum computing has attracted worldwide attention, however the hardware is still in its infancy and there are many challenges that must be overcome to surpass conventional technologies. To address these challenges, the software that can effectively utilize the quantum hardware plays a crucial role. In terms of the software, it is useful to apply the wealth of knowledge in the field of classical computing, and we have been working on the practical application by the hybrid quantum-classical algorithm. In this talk, we will dive into the synergy of quantum and classical computing and introduce applications of their hybrid use. We will also talk what kind of research is needed to further accelerate the development of quantum computing and to realize symbiosis between quantum and classical computing technologies.