The Thirteenth International Symposium on Computing and Networking
CANDAR 2025 will be held in Yamagata, Japan, from November 25 to 28, 2025
Building on the success of past CANDAR symposiums held in various cities across Japan—Matsuyama (2013), Shizuoka (2014), Sapporo (2015), Hiroshima (2016), Aomori (2017), Takayama (2018), Nagasaki (2019), virtual events in 2020 and 2021, Himeji (2022), Matsue (2023), and Naha (2024)—CANDAR 2025 will take place in Yamagata, Japan.
The CANDAR 2025 symposium aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to share their latest findings and experiences in all aspects of computing and networking. Topics will range from theoretical research to practical system development, including parallel and distributed systems, algorithms, architectures, and applications. In addition to technical sessions featuring contributed papers, the symposium will offer invited presentations, poster sessions, tutorials, and workshops. We are confident that participants will gain valuable insights and fresh ideas related to computing and networking.
CANDAR 2025 will be held in Yamagata, Japan, from November 25 to 28, 2025. We are delighted to announce that this year’s symposium will be an in-person event, taking place exclusively on-site. Join us for stimulating discussions, networking opportunities, and the chance to present your latest research in the beautiful setting of Yamagata, Japan. We look forward to welcoming scholars from around the world to this engaging event, where they can exchange ideas and insights in a vibrant academic atmosphere.
Track A: Algorithms and Applications
- Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Methods
- Scientific Computing and Numeric Algorithms
- Approximation and Optimization Algorithms
- Image Processing and Computer Graphics
- Dependable Computing and Reliability
- Data Mining and Information Retrieval
- Real-time Systems and Applications
- Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
- Green Computing and Networking
- Stochastic Modeling and Analysis
- Software and System Verification
- Wired and Wireless Networking
- Performance Evaluation
- Multicore and Multithreaded Computing
- Scheduling and Load Balancing
- Theoretical Foundations for Big Data
- Cellular automata
- Unconventional computing (natural computing, complex systems, artificial life)
Track B: Computer Systems and Networks
- Computer System Related Topics
- Processor Architectures
- Instruction, Thread, and Data-level Parallelism
- Multi/Many-core Architectures
- Power Efficient Architectures
- Accelerators
- Reconfigurable Architectures
- Network-on-chip
- Emerging Devices and Their Effect
- Embedded Systems
- Dependable Systems
- Parallel/High-performance Systems
- Application Specific Systems
- Storage Systems
- Architectures/Systems for Emerging Applications
- Edge Computing
- Near Data Processing
- Machine Learning Acceleration
- Software/Hardware Co-Design
- Computer Network Related Topics
- Interconnection networks
- Ubiquitous computing systems
- Grid computing systems
- Resource allocation and management
- Cloud computing
- P2P networks
- Content delivery networks
- Wireless networks and mobile computing
- Ad-hoc and sensor networks
- Optical networks
- Access control and authorization
- Security protocols
- Cognitive Computing and Networking
- Opportunist Spectrum Allocation and Sensing
- QoS and Multimedia Computing
- Green Communications and Networking
- Vehicle Communications
- Network Architecture
- Network Algorithms and Performance Evaluation
- Network Software
- Future Internet and Internet of Things
- Self-Organizing Networks
Track C: Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering
- AI related topics
- Agent: Human agent interaction,Multiagent learning, Multiagent systems
- AI foundations and theories: Constraint satisfaction and optimization,Decision theory, Planning and scheduling, Reasoning
- Applications of AI: Economic/financial, Education and tutoring systems, Information filtering and recommendation
- Knowledge Engineering: Explainable AI, Knowledge based system, Knowledge representation, Ontology
- Machine Learning and Data Mining: Advanced learning methods including active/ensemble/evolutionary/semi-supervised learning, Classification, Clustering, Deep learning and neural networks, Reinforcement Learning, Time-series/stream data mining
- Natural Language Processing: Question answering, Speech and dialogue systems, Text summarization
- Web and networks: Semantic Web, Social network analysis, Web search and information retrieval
- Software Engineering related topics
- Service Engineering: Service Architecture, Web Engineering, CDN, Edge Computing and New Service Models
- Software Engineering: Software Development Models and Tools, Software Testing, Validation and Verification, Performance Evaluation
- Distributed Environment: Algorithms and Data Structures for Distributed Computing, Internet Engineering, IoT/Sensor-based Services, Blockchains
- System Software: Operating Systems, Virtual Machines, Frameworks, Software Tools, SDN
- Programming Language Systems: Programming Language Design, Script Languages Design and Implementation, Optimizations
Track D: Information and Communication Security
- Authentication
- Block and Stream Ciphers
- Biometrics
- Cryptanalysis
- Cryptographic Protocols
- Digital Signatures
- Efficient Implementations
- Hash Functions
- Network Security
- Privacy Enhancement
- Public Key Cryptosystems
- System Security
- Usable Security
Special Issue
We plan to publish extended versions of selected papers from CANDAR main symposium and workshops in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, as well as the International Journal of Networking and Computing.