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 +  * [[Schedule]]
 +  * [[Conference Archive]]
 +/* CANDAR 2023
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 +  * [[keynote|Keynote Talks]]
 +  * [[Workshops]]
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 +  * [[Author Resources]]
 +  * [[Registration]]
 +  * [[Accepted Papers]]
 +  * [[Organization]]
 +  * [[Program Committee]]
 +  * [[photo:2023:photo|Photo]]
 +  * [[Conference Archive]]
 +  * [[CANDAR2024]]
 +/* CANDAR22
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 +  * [[free_registration|CANDAR2022 Free Registration]]
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 +  * [[Program Committee]]
 +  * [[photo:2022:photo|Photo]]
 +  * [[Workshops]]
 +  * [[NCSS-13|NCSS workshop]]
 +  * [[Workshop Submission]]
 +  * [[Author Resources]]
 +  * [[Best/Outstanding Papers]]
 +  * [[Conference Archive]]
 +  * [[CANDAR 2023]]
 +/* CANDAR'21
 +  * [[https://is-candar.org/|Home]]
 +  * [[Awards]]
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 +  * [[Accepted Papers]]
 +  * [[Presentation Videos]]
 +  * [[Keynotes]]
 +  * [[http://research.nii.ac.jp/graphgolf/|GraphGolf Competition]]
 +  * [[Organization]]
 +  * [[Program Committee]]
 +  * [[Schedule]]
 +  * [[Workshops]]
 +  * [[Conference Archive]]
 +  * [[CANDAR2022]]
 +/* CANDAR'20
 +  * [[https://is-candar.org/|Home]]
 +  * [[Awards]]
 +  * [[Sponsor]]
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 +  * [[Workshops]]
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 +  * [[Information for Attendees]]
 +  * [[Accepted Papers]]
 +  * [[Program]]
 +  * [[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJQpwxNKUmprgRE_13wLYpA/playlists|YouTube Channel]]
 +  * [[Keynote]]
 +  * [[Special Session on Multi-access Edge Computing]]
 +  * [[Organization]]
 +  * [[Committee]]
 +  * [[Special Issue]]
 +  * [[Conference Archive]]
 +  * [[CANDAR2021]]
 +/* CANDAR'19
 +  * [[https://is-candar.org/|Home]]
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 +  * [[Keynotes]]
 +  * [[Organization]]
 +  * [[Program Committee]]
 +  * [[photo|Photo]]
 +  * [[Conference Archive]]
 +  * [[Special Issue]]
 +  * [[https://is-candar.org/mini/|miniCANDAR'20]]
 +  * [[CANDAR20|CANDAR'20]]
 +  * [[Program]]
 +  * [[Workshop Submission]]
 +  * [[Call For Workshops]]
 +/* CANDAR'18
 +  * [[https://is-candar.org/|Home]]
 +  * [[Schedule]]
 +  * [[Program]]
 +  * [[Best Paper]]
 +  * [[Travel]]
 +  * [[Registration]]
 +  * [[VISA Letter]]
 +  * [[Workshops]]
 +  * [[Keynotes]]
 +  * [[Organization]]
 +  * [[Committee]]
 +  * [[Special Issue]]
 +  * [[http://research.nii.ac.jp/graphgolf/2018/candar18/|Graph Golf Competition]]
 +  * [[Sponsors]]
 +  * [[Conference Archive]]
 +  * [[http://is-candar.org/mini/|miniCANDAR'19]]
 +  * [[candar19|CANDAR'19]]
 +  * [[photo|Photo]]
 +/* CANDAR'17
 +  * [[start|Home]]
 +  * [[Registration]]
 +  * [[Schedule]]
 +  * [[Program]]
 +  * [[Workshops]]
 +  * [[Keynotes]]
 +  * [[Organization]]
 +  * [[Committee]]
 +  * [[Special Issue]]
 +  * [[Best Paper]]
 +  * [[Travel]]
 +  * [[Sponsors]]
 +  * [[Conference Archive]]
 +  * [[Visa Letter]]
 +  * [[http://research.nii.ac.jp/graphgolf/|Graph Golf Competition]]
 +  * [[photo:photo|Photo]]
 +  * [[CANDAR2018]]
 +/* CANDAR'16
 +  * [[start|Home]]
 +  * [[Venue]]
 +  * [[Schedule]]
 +  * [[Program]]
 +  * [[Keynote Speech]]
 +  * [[Special Issue]]
 +  * [[Workshops]]
 +  * [[Workshop Submission]]
 +  * [[Best Papers]]
 +  * [[http://research.nii.ac.jp/graphgolf/|Graph Golf Competition]]
 +  * [[Registration]]
 +  * [[Free Student Registration]]
 +  * [[Organization]]
 +  * [[Committee]]
 +  * [[Sponsors]]
 +  * [[Conference Archive]]
 +  * [[CANDAR'17]]
 +/* CANDAR'15
 +  * [[start|Home]]
 +  * [[Venue]]
 +  * [[Schedule]]
 +  * [[Program]]
 +  * [[photo:photo|Photo]]
 +  * [[Organization]]
 +  * [[Committee]]
 +  * [[Workshops]]
 +  * [[Best Papers]]
 +  * [[Keynote]]
 +  * [[Competition]]
 +  * [[Special Issue]]
 +  * [[Visa]]
 +  * [[Sponsors]]
 +  * [[Conference Archive]]
 +  * [[CANDAR'16]]
 +/* CANDAR'14
 +[[start|{{ :candar-logo.png?200 |CANDAR}}]]
 +  * [[start|Home]]
 +  * [[Venue]]
 +  * [[Workshops]]
 +  * [[Schedule]]
 +  * [[Program]]
 +  * [[Best Papers]]
 +  * [[Submission]]
 +  * [[Visa]]
 +  * [[Accommodation]]
 +  * [[Invited Talks]]
 +  * [[Organization]]
 +  * [[Committee]]
 +  * [[Special Issue]]
 +  * [[Registration]]
 +  * [[Sponsorship]]
 +  * [[Conference Archive]]
 +  * [[CANDAR'15]]
 +/* CANDAR'13
 +[[start|{{ :candar-logo.png?200 |CANDAR}}]]
 +  * [[start|Home]]
 +  * [[Venue]]
 +  * [[Schedule]]
 +  * [[Program]]
 +  * [[Best Papers]]
 +  * [[http://is-candar.org/photo|Photo]]
 +  * [[Registration]]
 +  * [[Workshops]]
 +  * [[Invited Talks]]
 +  * [[Organization]]
 +  * [[Committee]]
 +  * [[Travel Guide]]
 +  * [[Accommodation]]
 +  * [[Special Issue]]
 +  * [[Visa]]
 +  * [[Links]]
 +  * [[Conference Archive]]
 +  * [[CANDAR14|CANDAR'14]]
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