Paper Submission Guidelines

Papers reporting original and unpublished research results and experience are solicited. Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Submissions imply the willingness of at least one author to register, attend the conference, and present the paper. Authors should upload their manuscripts in the PDF.

Paper Format

It is recommended to use IEEE standard US-letter two-column format for conference proceedings. Please see Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings for the details. Also, please note that the final manuscript for publication must use this template.

Submission Instruciton

The PDF of papers should be submitted though EasyChair(EasyChair) by July 1, 2012 July 23, 2012 (extended). If an author does not have EasyChair account, it must be created.

When the author submit a paper/abstract, one of the three tracks must be specified:

Also, one of the two categories must be specified:

After the submission, you can update the PDF of your paper at anytime until July 30, 2012. However, the other data including authors, title, and abstract cannot be changed after after July 23, 2012.

Abstract Pre-Submission

We also accept pre-submission of abstract. If the abstract of a paper is submitted by July 23, 2012, the PDF of the paper for review can be uploaded/updated later, by July 30, 2012. For pre-submission of abstract, authors should select “Abstract Only” check box when it is submitted through Easychair.

If the PDF file of the paper is not uploaded by July 30, 2012, the submission is automatically rejected. If an author pre-submits the abstract, the referees of the paper will be selected based on the submitted abstract. Hence, the submitted abstract must clearly state the contents and the results of the paper that will be submitted later.

Note that, the PDF of a paper cannot be submitted if the abstract is not submitted by the pre-submission due. If the abstract is submitted by the pre-submission deadline, the PDF file of the paper can be uploaded/updated anytime until July 30, 2012. However, the other data including authors, title, and abstract cannot be changed after the pre-submission deadline.

Final Manuscripts

Accepted papers will be given guidelines in preparing and submitting the final manuscript(s) with the notification of acceptance. The length of final manuscripts will be 8 pages for long papers and 5 pages for regular papers using IEEE standard US-letter two-column format, where authors can purchase up to two extra pages. Please note that papers submitted as long papers may be accepted as regular papers.