
All speakers (all CANDAR main track and workshops) must pay the speaker registration fee by October 16.

Speaker registration (Due: Oct 16)

Non-speaker registration (Due: November 20 for on-line registration)

PayPal Payment

Banquet (November 30)

  1. Steamed Mini Custard with Crab (蟹のミニ茶碗蒸し)
  2. Assorted Japanese and Western Appetizers (和洋前菜盛り合わせ)
  3. Seasonal Sashimi (季節の御造り)
  4. Red Snapper Bouillabaisse Style (真鯛のブイヤベース仕立て)
  5. Duck Hot Pot (鴨鍋)
  6. Japanese Wagyu Sirloin Steak with Shiitake Soy Sauce (和牛サーロインステーキ 椎茸醤油のソース)
  7. Buckwheat Noodles with Dipping Sauce (割子そば)
  8. Clear Soup with Manila Clams (蜆吸い物)
  9. Dessert (デザート)
  10. Coffee (コーヒー)

PayPal Payment

No Show Policy

At least one author must register for each paper and deliver a talk. Papers that are not presented by the author (no-show paper) will be removed from the IEEE digital library, even if the author has paid the speaker registration fee.

Refund Policy