Zoom meeting URLs to join CANDAR'21 sessions will be posted in 30 min before the first session of each day starts.
Important: Please do not post/send Zoom meeting URLs to SNS/mailing lists that unspecified large number of people can see them. Many Zoom bombers monitor Zoom meeting URLs in the Internet, and they will attack the meetings as soon as they found meeting URLs usually in a few minutes after the post.
Every session is arranged to a Slack channel.
Please submit your 2-page slide (PDF is better for compatibility) to the corresponding Slack channel.
We have already uploaded your paper submitted to EachChair for review to the corresponding Slack channel. You can upload the final version of your paper to it.
You can write comments/questions to a paper of a session in the corresponding Slack channel.
For CANDAR main symposium/workshop authors
To-do list for CANDAR main symposium (Track1-5) and workshop (ASON,CSA,GCA,LHAM,PDAA,SUSCW,WICS,WANC) authors (excluding NCSS workshop) of accepted papers
In online zoom sessions, presenters may not take the shared screen and slides are shown statically by session chairs. So, presentations must be designed so that presenters explain orally without pointers indicating text and figures in the slides.
Pre-recorded video presentation and zoom on-line presentation are mandatory to include the paper in the proceedings and the digital library. Papers of authors who do not upload the pre-recorded videos and/or fail to deliver talk at on-line zoom meeting will be removed from the IEEE digital library, even if the author has paid the speaker registration fee.
Finished to-do list items
Registration fee payment
Speaker Registration fee for CANDAR main symposium and workshop (excluding NCSS workshop):
20,000JPY (by PayPal payment), and 40,000JPY (by bank transfer payment)
Speaker Registration fee for NCSS workshop:
10,000JPY (by PayPal payment), and 20,000JPY (by bank transfer payment)
One speaker registration is required for each accepted paper to include it in the program and the Proceedings.
The registration fee can be paid by major credit cards (VISA, Master, etc) through PayPal.
Final manuscript submission of CANDAR main tracks/workshops papers.
Please revise your paper based on the reviewer's comment. Final manuscripts must be revised based on the reviewers' comments appropriately. If not, they may not be included in the program and the Proceedings.
Please use a 1-3 digit number assigned by EasyChair as a Paper ID.
Each paper must satisfy the page limitation of the accepted category. For example, if your paper is submitted as a CANDAR regular paper and accepted as Workshop Poster paper then your final manuscript must be 3-4 pages.
Please upload the final manuscript through the following web sites by October 18, 2021
CANDAR main track papers (Tracks 1-5): CANDAR Main Track (2021 Ninth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR))
CANDAR Long: 8-10 pages
CANDAR Regular: 5-7 pages
CANDAR Workshop papers (ASON,CSA,GCA,LHAM,PDAA,SUSCW,WICS,WANC) : CANDAR Workshop Regular/Short/Poster papers (2021 Ninth International Symposium on Computing and Networking Workshops (CANDARW)) (not for NCSS workshop)
Workshop Regular: 5-7 pages
Workshop Poster: 3-4 pages
WANC Short: 4-5 pages
WANC Poster: 2-3 pages
You can use your IEEE CPS account for login these pages. If you do not have it, you should create new account by signing up.
NCSS abstract submission
Prospective authors must submit the abstract of the paper through EasyChair.