6th International Workshop on Large-scale HPC Application Modernization

This workshop is held as one of co-located workshops of CANDAR'18.

The code size and complexity of an HPC application inevitably increase for exploiting the system performance as well as for simulating physical phenomena more faithfully and precisely. We have to invest more time and effort in modernizing such a large-scale HPC application code whenever a new HPC system becomes available. As the complexity of HPC system architectures is also increasing today, there is a strong demand for streamlining HPC application modernization. The International Workshop on Large-scale HPC Application Modernization offers an opportunity to share practices and experiences of modernizing practical HPC application codes, and also discuss ideas and future directions for supporting the modernization.

In particular, we will focus on the following topics of interest, but not limited to:

Paper format

Submission Instruction

Please see Workshop Paper Submission Instruction.

Important dates


The conference and workshop proceedings will be published by Conference Publishing Service and submitted to IEEE Xplore and CSDL digital libraries. Also they are submitted for indexing through INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, and other indexing services.


Special Issue

We plan to publish extended versions of selected papers from CANDAR'18 main conference and workshops. Please see Special Issue for the details.


Workshop PC Chair

Program Committee


E-mail: lham2018 .at. sc.cc.tohoku.ac.jp (replace “.at.” with “@” in the email address)