We plan to publish extended versions of selected papers from ICNC'12 main conference and workshops in IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems(IEICE-ED) and in International Journal of Networking and Computing(http://ijnc.org/). Papers submitted to these special issues must have significant additional materials and improvements over ICNC'12 papers.
We plan to publish the extended version of ICNC2012 and workshop papers in IEICE Special Section on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networking. The accepted papers will be published in December 2013. Please see 2013_12ed.pdf for the details.
Special Issue on Selected Papers from ICNC'12.
Authors of ICNC'12 are invited to submit the extended version of main conference and workshop papers by February 1, 2013. Papers should be formatted using IJNC style file and should not exceed 30 pages. Submitted papers are reviewed, and accepted papers will be published in July 2013 issue of IJNC. The details of submission instruction will be sent to authors of selected papers. Please see the CFP for the details.
The IJNC (International Journal of Networking and Computing) is a biannual journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles in all areas of networking and computing. It has both print and online versions. The papers in IJNC are indexed in several services including DBLP Computer Science Bibliography, Google Scholar, Arnetminer, J-DreamII, and J-GLOBAL.